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Jen Mantle

Why Wait?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~Mary Oliver.


You may have noticed this quote at the beginning of last week’s newsletter.

It’s been with me for quite a while now, and it will likely be a regular around here.


My invitation for you is to let this question live within you for a bit.


Let it wash over you in the morning as you’re getting ready for the day, as you sit down to lunch and as you go to bed in the evening.


Rather than coming up with an answer, let it linger.

Be loose. 


Let your answer shift and change.

Let things evolve throughout the week.


What does this question bring forward for you?


What thoughts? Emotions? Dreams? Fears? 


If you knew you only had a week left on this earth, what would you do?


What things would you want to accomplish?

How would you spend your time?

Would you care for yourself differently?


Have you forgiven yourself?


If you were to lose your mobility tomorrow, what would you do today?


I realize that these can feel like morbid questions, but thinking of these things can help to bring alignment with what really matters.


It’s all too easy to live in the future.

To put things off until later.


We’ve all been guilty of some of these things…..


I’ll take that trip next year.

I’ll reach for that dream when I’m done with this.

I’ll do that when I have enough money.


Well, Dear One

We only get one chance to live our dream life.

One chance to make it what we really want.


Why put it off?


Please keep in mind, none of this is meant to create shame or regret.

You’re not ‘less than’ because you haven’t done the thing yet.

You don’t need to get down on yourself because of a decision you made in the past.


This exercise is to get you thinking about what you really want, and to give you the courage to go for it.


Life is precious.

It also happens at lightning speed.

Don’t put your dreams off any longer.

Don’t put off your happiness for the future.

Stop putting everyone else first.


Joy can be yours now.

You are one baby step away from freedom.

Life is meant to be enjoyed.


You were put here on this earth for a reason.


It’s time you stepped into alignment with your dream life!


I’m here for you Love.


Let me know how I can help!





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