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Jen Mantle

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~Mary Oliver.

I have a secret to tell you.


You’re not going to lose everything by choosing to live your dream life.


Many of us stay on the familiar path, because we’re scared.


Scared that if we go for the life of our dreams, we’ll have to leave our job, our relationships, our safety, or our comfort.


Let’s be honest, change can be scary as hell!




Changes need to happen if we want to live our lives differently. 


It’s inevitable.




If you go for the life of your dreams, you get to be at choice in everything you do.


You decide what shifts, what changes, what evolves and what stays the same.


Your loved ones get to join you on this journey.

You don’t need to leave your job unless you really want to.

You don’t need to lose friendships, or move, or change anything near and dear to you.


Instead it all opens up in the most beautiful ways.


Your job becomes less challenging and more fulfilling.

Your relationships become easier.

Your life opens, and joy is part of the everyday.


The only things that fall away are the things you're ready to let go of.


Take a few deep breaths and anchor.

Imagine your dream life.  Let your mind go. 

What are you wearing?  What are you doing? Where do you live?  Who are you with?  What’s your occupation? How much money do you make?


When you think of this being reality for you in the not too distant future, what is the first thing that comes up?


Fear? Doubt? Logistics? Worthiness?


Just notice if these things come up.

Take a breath, then bring in awareness and compassion.


Often, awareness is all that is needed to move to the next level, as it softens and brings healing in the most remarkable way.


The longer we are aware of fear, the more we get to question its existence.


If you notice that fear or doubt exists, get curious.

I wonder why this is…..?

Is this actually true?

How do I know that this will be the case?


Most of the time, our worst case scenario is our imagination taking the reins.


So Love, changing your life requires changes to be made.

But you get to decide what you want.

Things won’t fall apart if you go for your dream.


I am here to help you with those fears.

Babysteps Friends.


You are worthy of your biggest Dream.


Let’s talk!


Happy weekend Love!








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