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Jen Mantle

Creating and Embodying Your Dream Life

Growing up, having a 5 year plan was a thing.


Yet… I never ever had one.


I have always been the type of person that believes that I’ll be led.

That my path will appear for me based on following the next best step.

I’ve let my intuition lead me every step of the way.


The only problem was, I was frequently disappointed.

Letting your intuition lead the way will never lead you astray.

But it does help to know where you want to end up.

A dream of what you want to accomplish.


This is the vision I speak of so frequently.


A vision is a specific picture of your dreams. It encompasses how you want to feel and what you want in life. 

It provides a much needed map of how to reach the life we so deeply want.


It’s about aligning with your dreams.


How do we go about creating a vision for ourselves?

Chances are, you already know.

It’s just a matter of getting a clear picture and embodying it.


I invite you to grab your journal and briefly visit these prompts.

(Even if you already know your vision)


When you dream of the future, what do you see?

What are you longing for?

What is your work in the world?

Who are you with?

Where are you living?

What would bring you joy?


Take a deep breath and relax.

Close your eyes, and dream.

Write down the highlights when you are able.


Now, while you’re in this dreamy state envisioning what could be- what does it feel like in your body?  

Take a few moments to tune in.


Press record here :). Name the feelings that arise.

This is what it is to embody your vision.


Remembering the sensation in your body.


Bring this back every time you picture your vision.

Embodying helps your dream to become a reality by grounding in your lived experience.


There can be a lot that surfaces when we take the steps to envision our dreams.


Fears, guilt, insecurities and control just to name a few.

These things are a lot of the reasons many of us don’t dream.

This is exactly the reason the 20 year old me never had a vision.

Encountering these things is challenging!


You don’t need to solve the hard stuff right this moment.


You get to just have fun and dream. 

It’s just a dream right?

Practice self compassion and ask for help.

One step at a time.


Your vision is the first step in discovering what you really want.


Although it may feel easier to float or to stay in the comfort zone, your dream life is beckoning.


Every great life starts with a dream Love.

Let’s make yours a priority.


I’m here for you!







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